Greenpeace urges chipmakers to use solar panels for renewable energy

Greenpeace Taiwan has urged local chipmakers to use photovoltaics and collaborate with community-based renewable energy programs to increase the nation’s green energy capacity.

According to a survey conducted by Greenpeace, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co generates 0.027% of its electricity consumption at its renewable energy facilities, while United Microelectronics Co generates 0.075% of its power consumption from renewables.

Greenpeace said that the chipmakers can install more solar panels on-site to power their facilities, adding that TSMC can generate up to 53 million kilowatt-hours of electricity if it covers the 42.2 hectares it owns in Taiwan with panels, which would be equivalent to the power consumption of 12,552 households.

Rooftop solar panels have the smallest environmental impact and land requirement while maximizing the use of space and avoiding land requisitions, it added.

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