AAT Business Club

Here in the " AAT Business Club "...
Traders, Businessmen, Manufacturers, Importers and Exporters... Get to know each other... And co-operate with each other... Despite the distances, countries and different languages…


(Up to 5 minutes) about business activities of member will be broadcasted on AAT tube.

Advertisement of member

To be inserted in (AAT Alert) for 12 times / year.

Web banner promotion

Of the member (size: 442 x 185px) is to be displayed in AAT website www.aatworld.com for 6 months.

News as advertisement

About member’s business activities will be published in AAT magazine & AAT website.

A full page report

About member’s business activities will be inserted in AAT magazine & AAT website for one time.

Support and increase the expor

Of member… through the Arabian & African markets…

Display meber’s website

At (AAT Featured Links) for a period of six monthes.

Save member’s time & money

By distributing for the member’s brochures in 30 exhibitions in Arabian and African countries. Besides that, we collect for the member original name cards of buyers for the same number of his brochures distributed.

AAT Business Club goals

Supporting local industries... through markets Arab and African products. And the Asian... and the contribution to confronting the recession The economist...

Marketing through the Arab-Asian trade site www.aatworld.com

Opening new markets for Arab products locally and globally.. and presenting new marketing ideas in the field of advertising and entertainment programs.

Our partners

They are all merchants, businessmen, investors, and decision makers in factories, companies, institutions, bodies, offices, and shops.

To participate in AAT Business club

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About Us

Here in the AAT Group, Traders, Businessmen, Manufacturers, Importers, and Exporters get to know each other and cooperate despite the distances, countries, and different languages.

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