Taiwan’s MODA to Set Up 700 Satellite Communication Hot Spots by 2024

Taiwan’s Ministry of Digital Affairs (MODA) plans to complete the setup of 700 satellite communication hot spots across the country by the end of 2024.

The hot spots, aimed at enhancing communication security during emergencies such as wartime, will link with Non-Geostationary Orbit (NGSO) satellites.

Bruce Cheng, the director general of MODA’s Department of Communications and Cyber Resilience, detailed three strategies to bolster Taiwan’s network resilience, with the satellite system designed to maintain crucial military and government communications during severe network disruptions.

Last year, MODA started the “Digital Resilience Validation of Emerging Technologies” program to test NGSO satellite viability as a backup communication network.

The project involves expanding both domestic and international satellite communication infrastructure, including new sites on Taiping Island to significantly boost bandwidth capacity.

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