A.C.R. TECH CO., LTD: Leading the Industry in Epoxy Hardener Material Applications

A.C.R. TECH CO., LTD is a leading industry expert that has been specializing in epoxy resin hardeners since 1988. With a focus on research and development, the company provides different types of hardeners such as polyamide-based, cycloaliphatic polyamine-based, aliphatic polyamine-based, aromatic polyamine-based, and more.

A.C.R. TECH has cooperated with Japan ADK technology and has been expanding into the field of electronic composite material research and development since 2014. In 2023, the company expects to complete the IATF 16949 vehicle certification.

A.C.R. TECH’s Taichung factory started operations in 1996 and has been committed to quality production. The company passed ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 45001. In 2022, the new Zhangbin factory was completed, and the total annual production capacity of the two factories reached 25,000 tons, catering to various customer needs.

At A.C.R. TECH, customer satisfaction is paramount, and the company adheres to the 3Q concept of providing high-quality products, efficient delivery, and satisfactory after-sales service. The company has expanded from domestic sales in Taiwan to markets in Japan, Southeast Asia, and the Arab countries and is expected to enter more international markets in the next ten years.

A.C.R. TECH’s hardeners are renowned for their rigidity and flexibility, strict product quality control, and exceptional customer service. The company’s research, development, and services are tailored to meet customers’ expectations. If you require high-quality epoxy resin hardeners, A.C.R. TECH welcomes your inquiry and is ready to provide its expertise to fulfill your needs.

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