Kuonao Co., Ltd. Focuses on Healthcare Product Development and Market Expansion

Kuonao Co., Ltd., a pioneer in new product development, production, and sales, has announced its recent focus on inventing and developing new healthcare products. 

Established in 1973, the company has successfully commercialized over 60 patented products. It offers professional tutorials and full services to enterprises and is Taiwan’s first ODM and OBM Development & Incubate organization. Kuonao provides different innovative, developmental, and marketing strategies based on the needs of each enterprise.

Kuonao has had health and beauty as the focus of its industry development since 2000, and the company has diversified its product innovation and brand to meet the demands of new product development. Kuonao offers a series of products in every category to adapt to different consumer groups. The main brand, “KUONAO,” has the brand concept of “global initiation and exclusive ingenuity” with sub-brand product lines, such as “Cushion” and “Upillow,” that master the trend, create demand, differentiate values, and activate ideas as the five indicators and positioning for branding.

Kuonao consistently has market trends and demand as its guide, using the patent protection strategy well. The company has recently integrated green and energy-saving concepts into its product development strategy as a design direction. It focuses on engineering design concepts of “excellent, soft, efficient, and saving.” All of Kuonao’s products are designed to meet consumer habits and offer basic care for users.

“We are excited to expand our healthcare product market share in Asia, Europe, and the United States in the near future,” said a Kuonao representative. With over 70 commercially successful patents and its expertise in product development, Kuonao is well-positioned to succeed in the healthcare product market.

Kuonao is committed to providing innovative products that meet the needs of its consumers, and the company is dedicated to providing high-quality services to enterprises. With its focus on healthcare product development and market expansion, Kuonao is set to significantly impact the healthcare industry.

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