Manufacturer of Water Ring Plastic Pelletizer Made in Taiwan

Manufacturer of Water Ring Plastic Pelletizer Made in Taiwan, specializing in cutting-edge extrusion technology. Our state-of-the-art equipment includes a Three-Way Valve and Die Head, crucial components in the plastic pelletization process. As plastic raw materials are melted through the extruder, these components expertly control the flow and direction of the molten plastic, ensuring precision and quality in every pellet produced.

To enhance efficiency, our system features a Cooling Water Chamber designed to rapidly cool the plastic material after extrusion. This chamber plays a pivotal role in maintaining the desired properties of the plastic pellets, contributing to the overall excellence of our Water Ring Plastic Pelletizer. Trust in our Taiwanese craftsmanship and cutting-edge technology for reliable and high-performance plastic pelletization solutions. If you have any questions, please take the initiative to contact us.


No. 220, Ln. 252, Shezi Rd., Xinwu Dist., Taoyuan City 327006 , Taiwan (R.O.C.)

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