ODA Unveils Green Utopia Design in Taichung

ODA has revealed its plans for Green Utopia, a 20-story, 94-unit residential building in Taichung, Taiwan, set for completion in 2027. Adjacent to a public park and landmarks like the city’s baseball stadium, the project features ODA-designed architecture, interiors, and landscaping.

Inspired by traditional Taiwanese inner courtyards, the design incorporates vertical floating gardens that serve as semi-private gathering spaces with city views. Each garden has a unique theme, while private balcony gardens and a shared rooftop space enhance the connection to nature. 

The building’s amenities include a lounge, cafe, library, fitness center, spa, yoga room, and more, all with park views. The entrance features an overhead canopy and glass walls for an open, airy feel. 

The design blends natural and built environments with organic materials like limestone, wood, and reflective surfaces, drawing from feng shui principles. Externally, terracotta-like tiles, white stucco, and dark gray accents create a warm, nature-inspired façade that contrasts with nearby modern glass buildings.

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