Renewable Energy in Taiwan: Calls for Policy Reforms

At the Global Corporate Sustainability Forum, Hon Hai Precision and TCC’s NHOA TCC discussed the importance of battery technology and energy storage systems in stabilizing Taiwan’s electricity grid amidst growing renewable energy and EV charging stations. They advocated for regulatory flexibility to enhance grid stability.

Orsted Taiwan emphasized the urgent need for green electricity policies. With the global battery market poised for significant growth, Hon Hai’s Troy Wu compared its potential impact on the semiconductor industry. Eric Huang from TCC highlighted the necessity of energy storage systems for grid management, especially as EV charging stations increase.

Orsted Taiwan’s Christy Wang stressed that current inflexible regulations hinder Taiwan’s net-zero ambitions, advocating for regional cooperation over strict localization in the wind power supply chain. This collaborative approach is deemed crucial for integrating renewable energy effectively and achieving net-zero emissions by 2050.

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