Synera Renewable EnergyDevelopment, Construction, and Asset Management for Offshore Wind

Synera Renewable Energy Group (SRE Group) develops, builds, operates, and maintains offshore wind farms across Asia and has an offshore wind pipeline of over 5GW. Aspiring to be a leading renewable energy company across Asia, SRE Group comprises businesses in Taiwan (SRE Taiwan) and Japan (SRE Japan).

SRE Taiwan is a leading offshore wind developer in Taiwan that has participated in all stages of Taiwan’s offshore wind development since 2012. SRE Taiwan played an integral role in developing and delivering two of Taiwan’s three operational offshore wind farms. With an unwavering passion for green energy, SRE Group commits to decarbonizing the planet and charting a path toward a healthier, cleaner, and more sustainable future.


10F, No. 108, Sec. 5, Xinyi Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 11047, Taiwan


(02) 2729-5000

(02) 2722-0999

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