Taiwanese Fastener Makers Strengthen Global Industry Ties

The Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) has highlighted the global impact of Taiwanese fastener manufacturers, emphasizing their role in high-value and high-precision production for industries like aerospace, AI, electric vehicles, and construction in the US.

Among the showcased companies is CPC Fasteners International Co., Ltd., known for its automation-driven production of precision screws using innovative materials. CPC offers custom solutions for construction, including bi-metal screws and stainless-steel capped screws, under the slogan, “small screws make great buildings.”

TAITRA also spotlighted Fivetech, which specializes in tool-less mechanical components for servers and data centers. Its patented captive screws provide user-friendly, tool-free fastening for hardware, ensuring easy maintenance and high customizability while preventing small-part losses.

Taiwanese fastener manufacturers are lauded for their robust R&D, proprietary technologies, intellectual property protection, and ability to deliver tailored solutions. Taiwan is the world’s third largest, accounting for about 13% of global production.

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