Techman Robot Targets Over 20% Growth in Cobot Market

Techman Robot Inc, a subsidiary of Quanta Computer and a partner of Nvidia, aims to surpass the cobot industry’s projected 20% annual growth, driven by strong demand in Southeast Asia, China, and the U.S.

Specializing in AI-powered collaborative robots (cobots) with integrated vision capabilities, Techman is the world’s second-largest AI cobot supplier, having shipped over 15,000 units as of September 2024. Cobots are widely used in industrial automation, including vehicle manufacturing and electronics production.

In 2024, Techman’s revenue increased 17.54% to $45 million, up from $40 million in 2023. The Asia-Pacific region remains its primary growth driver, while the U.S. market is emerging as a significant contributor, supported by new facilities in Indiana, Texas, and Mexico.

Techman’s global expansion aligns with customer demand. According to Mordor Intelligence, the cobot market is forecast to grow at a compound annual rate of 20.1% through 2030.

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