Pegatron and NXP Launch EV Testing Lab

Pegatron Corp launched a laboratory in Taipei in partnership with NXP Semiconductor NV to verify electric vehicle (EV) applications like smart cockpits.

New products for customers are already undergoing verification in the lab, which features equipment worth over NT$10 million. The lab marks the third collaboration between NXP and its Taiwanese partners, including Hon Hai Precision Industry Co and Delta Electronics Co.

“We are bullish about the automotive market,” said Gary Cheng, President & CEO of Pegatron. The global auto industry is projected to grow to US$4-6 trillion by 2033, presenting significant opportunities for Taiwan’s electronics industry, including Pegatron. Pegatron aims to supply auto applications to automakers in the US, Europe, Japan, and emerging start-ups. The company is also prepared to establish a new manufacturing base in the Czech Republic if new orders are secured.

Pegatron’s strength lies in computing-related applications such as gateway, telematics, and advanced driver-assistance systems, along with its experience in consumer electronics and communications devices. The US and EU’s potential heavy tariffs on Chinese EV imports could provide opportunities for Taiwanese companies. Pegatron aims to boost its revenue from auto products to 10% of its total revenue next year.

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